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We all have collections of some kind. If you reading this chances are you have a sports memorabilia collection of your own. Whether big or small our collections are always a work in progress. We have found a number of large collections out there, however here is our top three memorabilia collections that we thought to share!
Gary Cypres, 72, is Founder and CEO of Sports Museum of Los Angeles. He earned his money by establishing finance and travel businesses. He maintains his 32,000 square foot, 2 story museum in Los Angeles which was recently reopened to the public in 2016. The value of his sports collection is estimated to range from $10 to $20 million. Items in his collection are primarily related to the New York Yankees and the Brooklyn Dodgers with special focus on the years 1947 to 1957.
Joel Platte is Chairman of Sports Immortals. His collection has been featured in magazines and on television. With more than one million items of memorabilia, his collection is valued between $50 and $100 million. It is considered by many to be the largest private collection of sports memorabilia in the world.
Andy Fogel has the world’s top Mets collection consisting of approximately 30,000 pieces. The collection includes rare items such as a cigarette lighter that plays “Meet the Mets” with a picture of Mr. Met on one side and Shea on the other, and name plates that once hung over the lockers of players. Among his oldest items are a set of window curtains with Mr. Met and team logos on them. The most historically significant pieces are the five pages of short evaluations of the 1964 Mets handwritten by Stengel, the team’s first manager. Memorabilia from this collection appeared in the 2000 movie “Frequency”.
We have a large selection of autographed hockey memorabilia in our shop. Come check it out and see if we can add to your ever growing collection!.
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